Email Migration from Zoho to Google Workspace
sign in to zoho
Give your mail and login
you need OTP to sign
you will get OTP in your mail
provide OTP and verify it
workplace of zoho will open
Go to your Admin Console like shown below
Then click on your mail
Go to General
Then go to email configuration
login to cloudflare to create Records
login to cloudflare
Click on your domain name
Click on DNS
Then Add record
Then go to DKIM
Then create record in cloudflare of below TXT Name and TXT Value
you can see i have added record below
you can see your email configuration is complete
Then go to users and go to Add
Fill below with your name and username and set password then click on Add
Then user will be created,click on done
Then sign out from Admin Console
Then again sign in to zoho
Then provide your mail
Then sign in by providing password
click on mail
Then go to setting
Then go to mail accounts and click on IMAP
Then checkmark on IMAP Access
Then Save
Then click on New Mail
Then write a mail
Specify a Subject to mail
Then mail will be send
Then you can see Mail in your gmail
Then go to Admin console of google workspace
Then sign in to gmail
Then Add account
Then sign in to google workspace
I already have google workspace account so i will just login if you don’t have it create account first
Then Admin of google will open
Then click on Account
Then click on Data migration
Click on Add User
Then Add user,which you have created in zoho Admin Console with mail and password,then start
Then mail start intializing
Then after migration,you can see complete
After complete go to gmail
Then in send
Now you can see msg send from zoho is here
Email Migration from Zoho to Google Workspace is complete
Documentation by:Gaurav khatiwada
2023 June 5