Installation of Sendy on Ubuntu
Sendy is a self hosted email application that helps to send trackable emails via Amazon SES. It supports multiple client accounts called ‘Brand’. Clear reports are generated and has List and Subscriber Management. Housekeeping, Auto responder, Blacklist are the major features of Sendy.
- Sendy License (One time cost)
- EC2 for hosting Sendy
- SES Activation
- Valid and Verified Domain Name in SES
- License should be purchased from
Name, Email and Domain Name should be filled before purchasing License. For eg:
2. Email will be sent after successful purchase of license where you can download Sendy Application zip file. License Key will also be sent on same email
3. Now you need an AWS Account where Sendy will be installed and can use Amazon SES Service.
By Default, Amazon SES would be in Sandbox Mode, to enable production mode, you need to explain to the AWS Team why we are using this service. Create a Support case to increase the Service limit.
Use case description example:
Hello AWS Team,
We are <company description>. Our domain is ‘' . We need to provide various information about our activities, public involvements and other details for our registered users.
We do have our subscribed user list and will be sending only to those email addresses. We will be sending emails after checking the validity of email. For that, we use an email sanitization application ‘’ that provides detailed information such as deliverable email, undeliverable email and unknown. Hence, we will be using deliverable email only for sending emails.
I hope my request for Amazon SES Production access will be approved. Please let me know if you have any queries.
Thank you!
Gaurav khatiwada
4. Now Create an EC2 instance for installing Sendy. You can use ‘t3.small’ and a 20GB SSD would be enough. Also, attach an EIP/ Static IP. After that, you need to point the EIP to the domain name ‘eg:’
Installation of Sendy on Ubuntu
First launch an ec2 like shown below
You can use ‘t3.small’ and a 20GB SSD would be enough. Also, attach an EIP.I am just testing so i would choose 8 ssd and no Elastic ip.
Make key pair so we can ssh into server
Then launch instance
Then ssh into server like shown below
ssh -i sendy.pem ubuntu@
sudo su
apt-get update -y
apt-get install php-fpm libapache2-mod-php php-mysql php-curl php-xml
apt-get install mariadb-server mariadb-client
mysql -u root -p
create database sendy;
show databases;
Create user ‘gk-db’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘gaurav’;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘gk-db’@’localhost’;
aws configure in your local pc with secret & access key and give region where your server is;
aws configure
Then upload from your local pc to server by scp like shown below;
scp -i sendy.pem ubuntu@
Again ssh into server;
ssh -i sendy.pem ubuntu@
You can see the which you just scp from your local pc
sudo su
mv /var/www/html
cd /var/www/html
apt install unzip
cd sendy/includes
nano config.php
define(‘APP_PATH’, ‘')
$dbHost = ‘localhost’;
$dbUser = ‘mysql-username’;
$dbPass = ‘mysql-password’;
$dbName = ‘database-name’;
cd /etc/apache2
nano apache2.conf
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexed FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
cp 000-default.conf sendy.conf
nano sendy.conf
Uncomment ServerName by removing # and write the domain name ‘eg:’
Change the DocumentRoot to /var/www/html/sendy
sudo a2ensite sendy.conf
Then give SES & SNS full access to this account or user
service apache2 restart
service php8.1-fpm restart
service mysql restart
Copy public ip of ec2 where sendy is installed
Then make A record with subdomain & public ip like shown below;
Then open your subdomain then the sendy will open
Sendy is successfully installed on EC2 server, and can be accessed through domain name
Documentation by:Gaurav khatiwada
2023 Setember 22